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Uva-spina Easycrisp Lady Late
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Consegna a domicilio espressa in 24-48 ore: 8,90 €.
The Jostaberry EasyCrisp ® ‘Lady Late’ ® is a recent selection, distinguished by its almost thornless branches as it ages, its regular and high yield of hairless, juicy fruits with a sweet and fruity flavour, and for its healthy growth, as well as its good tolerance to powdery mildew. In summer, the currants are delicious and can be used to enhance salads, savory dishes, or desserts. In April, its somewhat insignificant greenish-white flowers are a food source for bees and other beneficial insects. A sunny exposure and a nutrient-rich soil are necessary for an excellent harvest. This shrub is relatively undemanding and resistant to diseases. It can be grown in open ground or in pots. Easy to maintain and generous, it brings pleasure and enchantment to the garden. Planting from October to March for a harvest in July-August.
The Jostaberry, in Latin Ribes grossularia var. uva-crispa, also known as Spiny Currant, Curly Grape, Hair-snap, Crunch-snap, Balloon or Vineyard, belongs to the Grossulariaceae family, like Redcurrants (Ribes rubrum) and Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum). The name Jostaberry comes from the English who have long used this currant to make a sweet and sour sauce to accompany mackerel. Cultivated in northern Europe since the 16th century, the Jostaberry is a fertile hybrid resulting from the crossbreeding of two species native to Europe and North Africa, still spontaneous in mountain forests in Scotland, France, and the Caucasus.
The Ribes uva-crispa EasyCrisp ® ‘Lady Late’ ® is a very recent Swiss creation from the EasyCrisp ® range. A range composed of currant varieties selected for their high yields, large aromatic and juicy fruits, on almost thornless, vigorous, and disease-resistant plants, especially to powdery mildew. It forms a bushy shrub, slightly thorny, with a tufted port of somewhat stiff, branched, and erect branches. This very hardy bush will reach 1 m in height with a spread of 80 cm. The foliage is deciduous, composed of palmate, lobed, and aromatic, medium green leaves. This shrub resembles classic currants, but differs mainly in the fruits: larger, with a sweet flavour, they appear solitary along the branches unlike redcurrants. Flowering occurs in spring, in the form of clusters of small insignificant greenish flowers, intensely visited by bees. Fruiting occurs more on one- and two-year-old branches. The harvest extends from late July to mid-August. The bush is then covered with large, round to oval berries, with smooth skin, 1.4 cm in diameter, distributed along the branches. When ripe, the currants turn a bright red colour, and are filled with a translucent, juicy, fruity, sweet, and slightly acidic pulp, containing tiny seeds.
The Jostaberry Lady Late is self-fertile, so it does not need a companion to fruit, but the presence of another variety nearby will increase production. Harvesting is done as the fruits ripen. It is simplified due to the size of the berries. The production of a currant bush is about 3 to 5 kg of fruit per plant depending on the age and cultivation conditions of the plant. The fruits are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, trace elements, as well as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Moreover, their low sugar content ranks them among the least energetic small fruits (50 kcal per 100 g). The fruit is purifying for the body thanks to its diuretic, digestive, liver decongestant, and laxative properties, provided it is consumed when barely ripe. Picked from the bush, they are exquisite to eat fresh, and for extra indulgence, they can be sprinkled with a little crystallised sugar. In cooking, to reduce the acidity of the fruits, they can be blanched for a minute and then refreshed under cold water. Excellent in jellies or jams, they can also be used to garnish pies and make cakes. They will be perfect for making syrups, sorbets, ice creams, or desserts. The subtle balance between the flavours and acidity of the fruits offers an interesting use to accompany meats (game, poultry, ...), fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna, ...), or in salads.
In summer, the Jostaberry Lady Late offers moments of gustatory pleasure with its succulent fruits. Harvesting is easy, as the berries are large and the plant has almost no thorns. A great pleasure for the taste buds and satisfaction for the picker. You can associate it with Blackcurrants, Raspberries, Blueberries, May Berries, or other varieties of small fruits to form a gourmet hedge, which it will reinforce with its many culinary advantages. As in any planting, it is important, in a currant plantation, to alternate species and varieties where possible. This limits the risk of diseases and promotes pollination, even if the variety is self-fertile. It can be grown in a pot; however, you should choose a container at least 40 cm high and ensure regular watering with non-calcareous water.
Plant Ribes rosso from October to March. It appreciates ordinary soils, even poor ones, with a tendency towards acidity. Ribes rosso thrives in well-drained, fresh soil, but not constantly wet. It fears heat and drought, so plant it in full sun in the northern regions of the Loire or in partial shade in the south. Choose a location sheltered from strong winds.
When planting, space the plants 0.80 m apart in all directions. For bare-root plants, soak the roots in praliné to prevent the formation of air pockets between the roots and the soil. You can either prepare the praliné by mixing 1/3 very fine soil or compost, 1/3 cow dung or compost, and 1/3 rainwater, or buy it commercially. Dig a hole, incorporate well-rotted manure or compost into the soil, place the plant and cover with soil. Water generously. Then mulch the soil to retain moisture in summer.
An organic fertilizer application at the start of vegetation will support fruit production and plant health. Ribes rosso can be attacked by aphids and mites, which can be eliminated by spraying soapy water or a decoction of Aglio. It is also susceptible to fungal diseases, such as anthracnose (brown spots on leaves and fruits), powdery mildew (white felting), grey mould (white then brown felting on berries), and rust (orange pustules on the underside of leaves). Regularly spray with comfrey, nettle, or horsetail manure. Remove and burn all diseased parts. In June-July, protect the harvest with nets to counter birds' greediness.
In a Ribes rosso plantation, as in any plantation, it is important to alternate varieties and species, when space allows: pollination will be favoured, and the spread of epidemics or diseases will be limited.
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La rusticità è la temperatura invernale più bassa che una pianta può sopportare senza subire gravi danni o addirittura morire. Tuttavia, la rusticità è influenzata dalla posizione (zona riparata, come un patio), dalla protezione (copertura invernale) e dal tipo di terreno (la rusticità è migliorata da un terreno ben drenato).
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I periodi di semina indicati sul nostro sito web si riferiscono a Paesi e regioni all'interno della Zona USDA 8 (Francia, Regno Unito, Irlanda, Paesi Bassi).
Nelle zone più fredde (Scandinavia, Polonia, Austria...), ritardare le semine all'aperto di 3-4 settimane o seminare sotto vetro.
Nei climi più caldi (Italia, Spagna, Grecia, ecc.), anticipare la semina all'aperto di qualche settimana.
Il periodo di raccolta indicato sul nostro sito web si riferisce ai Paesi e alle regioni della zona USDA 8 (Francia, Inghilterra, Irlanda, Paesi Bassi).
Nelle zone più fredde (Scandinavia, Polonia, Austria...) la raccolta di frutta e verdura potrebbe essere ritardata di 3-4 settimane.
Nelle zone più calde (Italia, Spagna, Grecia, ecc.), la raccolta avverrà probabilmente prima, a seconda delle condizioni meteorologiche.
Il periodo di semina indicato sul nostro sito web si riferisce a Paesi e regioni situati nella zona USDA 8 (Francia, Regno Unito, Irlanda, Paesi Bassi).
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Nei climi temperati, la potatura degli arbusti a fioritura primaverile (forsizia, spiree, ecc.) deve essere effettuata subito dopo la fioritura.
La potatura degli arbusti a fioritura estiva (lillà indiano, perovskia, ecc.) può essere effettuata in inverno o in primavera.
Nelle regioni fredde e con piante sensibili al gelo, evitate di potare troppo presto quando possono ancora verificarsi forti gelate.
Il periodo di fioritura indicato sul nostro sito web si riferisce a paesi e regioni situati nella zona USDA 8 (Francia, Regno Unito, Irlanda, Paesi Bassi, ecc.).
Varia a seconda della zona di residenza