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Viburnum davidii Jermyns Globe

Viburnum x davidii Jermyns Globe
Viburno cinese di David

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This hybrid has beautiful dark green and glossy evergreen foliage and an upright habit, forming a large bush that is nicely rounded and dense. Its foliage enhances its long spring to summer white flowering, followed by the metallic blue-black small fruits that persist well into autumn. This shrub thrives in full sun or partial shade, in regular soil that is not too dry.
Altezza del fiore (cm)
5 cm
Altezza a maturità
2.25 m
Larghezza a maturità
2.25 m
Sole, Mezz'ombra
Fino a -15°C
Umidità del terreno
terreno fresco

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Periodo di messa a dimora migliore Marzo, ottobre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Marzo a giugno, ottobre a Dicembre
Periodo di fioritura maggio a settembre

Descrizione del prodotto

Viburnum  globosum 'Jermyns Globe' is a hybrid variety of Viburnum obtained in England in 1964 possessing a beautiful evergreen foliage resembling that of its parent, the David viburnum, with a dark and glossy green color. It stands out with a more upright habit, forming a large, nicely rounded bush with dense vegetation. Its foliage highlights its long spring to summer flowering in light white corymbs, and then the small metallic blue-black fruits that persist long into autumn. This easy-to-grow shrub in all regions will easily integrate into the garden, contributing, along with other evergreens, to its structure. 


The hybrid viburnum 'Jermyns Globe' is the result of a cross between Viburnum davidii and V. calvum, a much less known Chinese species. This plant, formerly classified among the Caprifoliaceae, now belongs to the Adoxaceae family, just like elderberries. It is a dioecious shrub, with distinct male and female subjects, only the latter will bear fruits in the presence of male plants. The 'Jermyns Globe' cultivar with its bushy and rounded habit grows moderately fast, reaching an average of 2.25 m in all directions. The dense and evergreen foliage is perhaps the main asset of this viburnum: its leathery, oval leaves, of a beautiful dark green with a glossy finish, show three veins that converge on a red petiole. In cold weather, it often takes on beautiful purplish hues matching the branches. The remarkably extended flowering period begins in May-June, sporadically continuing until July-August, and sometimes resuming in autumn. It consists of rather loose and flattened clusters, 2 to 6 centimetres in diameter, arranged at the end of branches, these flowers are white. The subsequent fruiting is quite unique and will persist on the branches until at least October. The small blue-black fruits, carried by reddish peduncles, are not edible. 

The hardiness of Viburnum globosum 'Jermyns Globe' (-15°C maximum) does not allow it to be planted in our most continental regions, in the North-East of France. Elsewhere, it thrives in sunny or semi-shady locations even though it tolerates shade. It is less demanding in terms of soil than the David viburnum and accepts the presence of limestone. Several shrubs must be planted for fruiting to occur. Use it as a standalone or in a massif, its foliage, with a strong presence, enhances the accompanying blooms. It is perfect for creating the persistent structure of the garden. Its dark foliage creates interesting contrasts with shrubs with grey foliage (Large armoises, Buddleia Silver Anniversary, Gomphostigma virgatum White Candy), bluish (Eucalyptus gunii), yellow (Phyllostachys aurea, Sambucus nigra Golden Tower) or even the variegated pink foliage of the Willow shrimp.  In slightly acidic soil, it can be associated for example with Japanese spindle trees, hydrangeas, variegated dogwoods, pieris, or Japanese maples that appreciate the same settings.

Viburnum davidii Jermyns Globe in foto...

Viburnum davidii Jermyns Globe (Fioritura) Fioritura
Viburnum davidii Jermyns Globe (Fogliame) Fogliame
Viburnum davidii Jermyns Globe (Porto) Porto


Altezza a maturità 2.25 m
Larghezza a maturità 2.25 m
Portamento pianta Irregolare, cespuglioso
Velocità di crescita normale


Colore del fiore bianco
Periodo di fioritura maggio a settembre
Forma dell'infiorescenza A grappolo
Altezza del fiore (cm) 5 cm
Pianta mellifera Attira gli impollinatori
Colore del frutto blu


Persistenza del fogliame Sempreverde
Fogliame colorato verde scuro


Genere botanico



x davidii


Jermyns Globe



Altri nomi comuni

Viburno cinese di David



Riferimento prodotto8437711

Altre Viburnum - Viburno

Da 2,70 € Vasetto da 8/9 cm

Disponibile in 3 taglie

Da 16,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L
22,50 € Vaso da 2L/3L
Da 31,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L
Da 29,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L

Disponibile in 2 taglie

Da 4,70 € Vasetto da 8/9 cm

Disponibile in 2 taglie

Da 16,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L
19,50 € Vaso da 2L/3L

Disponibile in 2 taglie

Da 29,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L

Disponibile in 2 taglie

Piantagione e cura

The Viburnum globosum 'Jermyns Globe' is quite tolerant regarding exposure and soil. It still prefers semi-shaded exposures and deep, loose, and moist soils. It tolerates the presence of limestone in the soil. Its foliage will be more beautiful in these optimal conditions. Plant it in a fresh and well-drained soil enriched with compost and coarse sand. When planting, water it abundantly, and continue watering during the first two or three summers, especially in hot climates. It is necessary to plant several shrubs for fruiting. Pruning is not necessary, just remove dry branches.

Quando piantare?

Periodo di messa a dimora migliore Marzo, ottobre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Marzo a giugno, ottobre a Dicembre

Per quale località?

Adatto per Prato, Bordura del sottobosco
Tipologia di utilizzo Aiuola, Isolato, Siepe
Rusticità Fino a -15°C (zona USDA 7b) Visualizza la mappa
Livello di esperienza richiesto per la coltivazione Principiante
Densità di impianto 1 per m2
Esposizione Sole, Mezz'ombra
pH del terreno Tutti
Tipo di terreno Argilla-calcare (pesante e alcalino), Argilloso-limoso (ricco e leggero)
Umidità del terreno terreno fresco, Profondo, soffice e drenato


Potatura La potatura non è necessaria
Umidità del terreno terreno fresco
Resistenza alle malattie Buona
Svernamento Può rimanere nel terreno

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Arbustes à feuillage persistant

Da 13,90 € Vaso da Ø 12 cm / 13 cm

Disponibile in 3 taglie

55,00 € Vaso da 4L/5L
Da 3,90 € Vasetto da 8/9 cm
Da 4,70 € Vasetto da 8/9 cm

Disponibile in 2 taglie

29,50 € Vaso da 3L/4L
Da 12,50 € Vaso da 2L/3L

Disponibile in 2 taglie

Da 39,50 € Vaso da 4L/5L
Da 33,50 € Vaso da 4L/5L
Da 8,90 € Vasetto da 8/9 cm
Da 39,50 € Vaso da 4L/5L

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