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Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland

Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland

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Altre informazioni

This astilbe brightens up semi-shaded beds in late spring where its feathery flowering emerges, in a delicate light pink. With a compact growth, it also displays a lovely glossy foliage of a dark green, very nicely textured. This rhizomatous perennial, like all astilbes, thrives in fertile soils that remain moist to wet in summer.
Altezza del fiore (cm)
15 cm
Altezza a maturità
40 cm
Larghezza a maturità
30 cm
Sole, Mezz'ombra
Fino a -29°C
Umidità del terreno
terreno fresco, terreno umido

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Periodo di messa a dimora migliore Marzo, ottobre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Febbraio a aprile, settembre a Novembre
Periodo di fioritura giugno a luglio

Descrizione del prodotto

The Astilbe simplicifolia 'Hennie Graafland' is a variety not widely cultivated, despite its ornamental qualities. In late spring, this pretty perennial brightens up semi-shaded beds where its feathery blooms emerge in a delicate light pink shade. With a compact growth, this astilbe also displays a lovely shiny foliage in a dark green, very nicely textured, decorative even outside of the flowering period. Like other astilbes, the plant thrives in fertile soils that stay fresh in summer, including in marshy and waterlogged soils.

The Astilbe simplicifolia belongs to the Saxifragaceae family. This wild species is native to Japan, particularly from the island of Honshu, as well as the extreme south of the island of Kyushu. It is a very hardy (-20°C) perennial and rhizomatous plant, preferring damp locations and non-calcareous soils. Its deciduous vegetation disappears in winter and re-emerges in spring. The hybrid cultivar 'Hennie Graafland' has been selected for its lovely pastel pink blooms, unlike the white blooms of the species. This variety resembles 'Sprite', with slightly lighter foliage, pinker flowers, and slightly taller growth. The astilbes simplicifolia are a bit slower to establish than the more common arendsii.

In spring, the 'Hennie Graafland' astilbe develops into a clump measuring 30-35 cm in all directions, composed of strongly lobed and undivided leaves. This shiny foliage has a superb dark green colour. Flowering takes place in June. From the leaf clump emerge stiff floral stems in a brown-purple colour measuring about 45 cm in height. They bear open and slightly drooping panicles, 15 cm tall, made up of numerous tiny star-shaped flowers in a pale pink with pearly reflections. After pollination, the flowers give way to very decorative rust-coloured seeds.


This perennial is essential for compact, heavy, damp, and waterlogged soils. The Astilbe Hennie Graafland is a robust plant very resistant to diseases, which will live for many years in the same spot. Plant it at the edge of a pond or on the edge of a cool woodland, for example alongside Hostas, Hakonechloas, Lysimachias, Carex. In a sunnier exposure, but still in moist to wet soil, consider pairing it with Persicarias, Monardas, Penstemons, tall phlox... You can also combine it with other astilbes with white, pink or red flowers to create superb pastel beds in damp areas. Its cut flowers allow for beautiful bouquets, with roses and lilies for example, but also very interesting dry arrangements with grasses or statice.

Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland in foto...

Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland (Fioritura) Fioritura
Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland (Fogliame) Fogliame


Colore del fiore rosa
Periodo di fioritura giugno a luglio
Altezza del fiore (cm) 15 cm
Fiore reciso Mazzo di fiori


Persistenza del fogliame Deciduo
Fogliame colorato verde scuro


Altezza a maturità 40 cm
Larghezza a maturità 30 cm
Velocità di crescita normale


Genere botanico





Hennie Graafland





Riferimento prodotto808011

Piantagione e cura

To plant your Astilbe Hennie Graafland, work the soil to a depth of 20 cm, crumbling the earth well and adding a bottom layer of organic matter such as dried blood or dehydrated horn. Position your plant, freed from its pot, covering the top of the root ball with 3 cm of soil, fill in and water generously to eliminate air pockets. During dry weather, it is necessary to water regularly for a few weeks to facilitate root growth. Astilbes thrive in a marshy area in a sunny or semi-shady location. They do not tolerate dry, limestone soil in summer. Late spring frosts can damage the flowers and young leaves.

Quando piantare?

Periodo di messa a dimora migliore Marzo, ottobre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Febbraio a aprile, settembre a Novembre

Per quale località?

Adatto per Giardino roccioso all'ombra, Bordura del sottobosco, Sottobosco, Sponda di laghetto
Tipologia di utilizzo Aiuola
Rusticità Fino a -29°C (zona USDA 5) Visualizza la mappa
Livello di esperienza richiesto per la coltivazione Dilettante
Densità di impianto 5 per m2
Esposizione Sole, Mezz'ombra
pH del terreno Acido, Neutro
Tipo di terreno Argilla (pesante), Argilloso-limoso (ricco e leggero)
Umidità del terreno terreno fresco, terreno umido, fertile, umido e argilloso


Descrizione della potatura Trim the faded flowers after flowering to promote better foliage development. The floral stems can also be left in place if one wishes to decorate the garden during the winter season, simply removing them all the following spring by cutting back to 10 cm. It is advisable to avoid working the soil near these plants, as the rhizomes develop on the surface. These plants are resistant to diseases and are rarely attacked by insects. Ignored by slugs, they may be prone to powdery mildew and cryptogamic spots.
Potatura Potatura consigliata 1 volta all'anno
Periodo di potatura Febbraio a aprile
Resistenza alle malattie Buona
Svernamento Può rimanere nel terreno

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