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Collezione di Rose selvatiche

Rosa canina, pimpinellifolia, glauca (rubrifolia)

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Collezione di 3 piante

  • 1 x Rosa canina - Rosa selvatica comune
  • 1 x Rosa pimpinellifolia - Rosa botanico
  • 1 x Rosa glauca - Rosa paonazza

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Altre informazioni

Bring a touch of nature to your garden with our collection of bare root wild roses. The Dog Rose, the Burnet Rose, and the Field Rose form an authentic trio, ideal for creating informal and rustic hedges. Hardy and undemanding, they thrive in full sun in well-drained soil. Together, they will occupy 3 to 5 m². Their simple and delicate flowers, followed by decorative hips, provide nourishment for small wildlife from spring to winter.
Sole, Mezz'ombra
Fino a -23.5°C
Tipo di terreno
Argilla (pesante), Argilla-calcare (pesante e alcalino), Argilloso-limoso (ricco e leggero), Ciottoloso (povero e filtrante)

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Periodo di messa a dimora migliore ottobre a Novembre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Gennaio, ottobre a Dicembre
Periodo di fioritura maggio a luglio

Composizione di questa collezione (3 piante)

Descrizione del prodotto

We offer a collection of three wild roses, hardy and robust deciduous shrubs that will bring nature into your garden. Their light and decorative foliage accompanies a dog rose flowering, ranging from white to pink, from May to July depending on the varieties. These plants adapt to a wide range of soils and tolerate both cold and drought. Ideal for creating informal hedges or rustic borders, these wild roses require little maintenance and attract beneficial wildlife with their nectar-rich blooms and colourful fruits in autumn.

Collection details:

1 x Dog Rose - Rosa canina: a vigorous shrub reaching 2 to 3 m in height. Its thorny stems bear light green foliage and simple flowers, pale pink with yellow centres, in June. Its orange-red hips persist throughout winter, providing food for birds and small animals. It thrives in dry and chalky soils.

1 x Burnet Rose - Rosa pimpinellifolia: a compact shrub about 1 to 1.5 m tall, this rose features finely cut dark green foliage. Its white flowers with golden centres bloom from May onwards. Very hardy and wind-resistant, it adapts to poor and sandy soils.

1 x Red-leaved Rose - Rosa glauca (Rosa rubrifolia): recognizable by its blue-green foliage with purple reflections, the Red-leaved Rose reaches 1.5 to 2 m in height. Its simple flowers, soft pink with golden stamens, appear in June. Its prominent red fruits add a decorative touch in autumn. It prefers well-draining soils and sunny locations.

These wild roses, offered as bare roots, should be planted exclusively in autumn and winter, from November to March, when the plants are dormant. This period ensures good root establishment before the return of warmer days. Choose a sunny or semi-shaded location in well-drained soil, even poor or chalky.

To create a rustic hedge or natural border, arrange the roses according to their height. The Dog Rose, the tallest (up to 3 m), should be placed at the back. The Red-leaved Rose, with its purple reflections, fits in the middle, while the Burnet Rose, more compact (1 to 1.5 m), goes at the front. Maintain a distance of 80 cm to 1 m between each plant to allow for harmonious growth.

For a loose hedge, plant 2 to 3 shrubs per linear metre to create a dense vegetal screen. After planting, water generously to ensure good root-soil contact. Natural mulching will help retain moisture and limit weeds during the initial months.

To complement the wild roses in this collection, plant two Bloodtwig Dogwoods (Cornus sanguinea), whose bright red branches illuminate the garden in winter. Their foliage turning purple in autumn will harmonise with the Red-leaved Rose's purple foliage. Also add three Spindle trees (Euonymus europaeus). Their vibrant pink capsules with orange seeds provide a unique decorative touch in autumn, extending visual interest after the summer flowering of the roses. Their flexible branches and bright green foliage perfectly complement the natural setting. To structure the foreground, position five Birchleaf Spiraeas (Spiraea betulifolia 'Pink Sparkler'). Their summer pink blooms prolong the floral display, and their rounded silhouette (1 to 1.5 m) balances the composition.

With a spacing of 80 cm to 1 m between each plant, the ensemble will cover approximately 10 to 12 m². This loose and natural hedge will offer changing colours throughout the year.

Segnala un errore nella descrizione del prodotto


Portamento pianta Irregolare, cespuglioso
Velocità di crescita normale


Colore del fiore bicolore
Periodo di fioritura maggio a luglio
Pianta mellifera Attira gli impollinatori
Colore del frutto rosso


Persistenza del fogliame Deciduo
Fogliame colorato verde medio


Genere botanico



canina, pimpinellifolia, glauca (rubrifolia)



Riferimento prodotto230210

Rose botaniche o selvatiche: Altre varietà

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Piantagione e cura

Wild roses prefer a sunny location (at least 4 to 5 hours of sun per day) but sheltered from the scorching midday sun and strong winds. Wild roses appreciate loose, permeable, and humus-rich soils. They will adapt to any garden provided the soil is well worked and drained. To plant your bare root rose, work your soil to a depth of 40 cm by crumbling the soil well and placing a base dressing such as dried blood or dehydrated horn at the bottom of the planting hole, position your plant by covering the top of the root ball with 3 cm of soil, refill and water generously to remove air pockets. In dry weather, it is necessary to water regularly for a few weeks to facilitate root growth. Also, remember to provide your rose with special rose fertilizer that stimulates plant flowering.

Quando piantare?

Periodo di messa a dimora migliore ottobre a Novembre
Periodo di messa a dimora ragionevole Gennaio, ottobre a Dicembre

Per quale località?

Adatto per Prato, Bordura del sottobosco
Tipologia di utilizzo Aiuola, Siepe
Rusticità Fino a -23.5°C (zona USDA 6a) Visualizza la mappa
Livello di esperienza richiesto per la coltivazione Principiante
Densità di impianto 2 per m2
Sesto di impianto Tutti i 90 cm
Esposizione Sole, Mezz'ombra
pH del terreno Tutti
Tipo di terreno Argilla (pesante), Argilla-calcare (pesante e alcalino), Argilloso-limoso (ricco e leggero), Ciottoloso (povero e filtrante)
Umidità del terreno Terreno arido, terreno fresco, ordinario, ben preparato


Descrizione della potatura Se necessario, potare leggermente le rose selvatiche subito dopo la fioritura. Ma questa potatura vi priverebbe dei frutti. Rimuovete il legno morto tra marzo e aprile.
Potatura Potatura consigliata 1 volta all'anno
Periodo di potatura Marzo a aprile
Umidità del terreno Terreno arido, terreno fresco
Resistenza alle malattie Molto buona
Svernamento Può rimanere nel terreno

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